Spiritual Development

Emmaus Centre - Our Spiritual Ministry

Sr. Patrice Simmons, is responsible for the spiritual ministry offered by the Centre. Also associated with Retreats and Spiritual Direction are the members of the Centre for Religious Development, and Directors from other islands of the Caribbean.

The Centre hosts , as well, other groups such as The School of Communications, Marriage Encounter, Engaged Encounter, Youth Groups, Catechists groups,     Children Confirmation groups and Prayer Groups.




Retreat Work

Retreat  Programmes are specially planned to respond to the needs or requests of the individual or group. Among such are :-

Individuals                                   Confirmation Groups                          Engaged Encounter

Parish Groups                                 Sodality Groups                                    Men's conferences

Prayer Groups                                     School Staffs                                         CRA 

Choirs                                                      Families                                                 Teams Retreats

Students                                         Silent Directed Retreats                 Catholic Communication

Catholic Priests Retreats                   Catechists Retreats                            Workshops

Anglican Priests Retreats                      Religious Sisters Retreats

Retreats are available at set times or may be arranged at personal request.

Visit our website or facebook for more details.