Little About Us
Our Missions are located in the islands of Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia.
Our Life is inspired by our foundress, Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey. We live the consecrated life as expressed in the public profession of the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience and community living.
Our Roots are in the 18th Century French Revolution when as a young girl, Anne Marie Javouhey heard the call to teach the faith, defend the defenceless and bring the Word to people outside of Europe. She was one of the first women to establish missions in Africa. In the Americas, she is known as the Liberator of Slaves, the Mother of the Colony of Mana, French Guiana.
Our Sisters arrived in the English speaking Caribbean from Martinique, in January 1836. Their first establishment was at Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Our Sisters have also branched out into nursing, and home visitation of the sick and the elderly
The Foundation For Human Development.

The Foundation for Human Development is a non profit charitable organisation established by a group of teachers, parents, past pupils, to provide a forum through which we could minister to adults. Initially I saw this ministry mainly in psychological terms. In more recent years the balance is shifting to contemplative prayer and contemplative living.
Sr. Reina & Sr. Maria
Sr. Lucy

Sr. Dorothy