Celebrating the 175 Anniversary Year
The Logo
On January 29 1836, six Sisters arrived in Port of Spain from Martinique, having been sent here by the Foundress, Anne Marie Javouhey. They began first with a boarding school. The first Convent was built on Kent Street, known today as Pembroke Street. The boarding school flourished and before long a day school was established.
The 175th Anniversary logo was designed to highlight our reason for celebration.
The tag line reads: Rooted in Faith .. Alive in Spairit! These words were inspired by Ps. 92: V13-14:
"Planted in the house of the Lord, They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age. They shall be full of sap and very green."
As Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny we have had a long history in the Caribbean and are steeped in a 2000 year old faith. We have tried to remain relevant to our times bringing a message of Hope to all. The Tree of Life, the central motif on the Logo represents Jesus the Christ who came to show humanity a new way of living in the light of truth. It represents the love of God, and His promise to His people of Eternal Life. Finally, as the tree rooted in Christ, spreads its branches, and gives shelter to the birds, so too our Sisters have dedicated their lives to sharing the Life of Christ with the people of the Caribbean and beyond.
The Opening Ceremony
On January 29 2011, 175 years to the date, the Sisters, Affiliates, Associates, former Sisters and many Friends gathered at Pembroke Street to give thanks for the many graces and blessings of the 175 years since our Arrival in Port of Spain. His Grace, Archbishop was the Chief Celebrant. It was a beautiful ceremony, but although it was supposed to be dry season, it poured ... as if the heavenly court cried tears of joy!
Sr. Francis Xavier Heritage Hall
When in the late 1970s the original Convent building dating back to the mid 1800s had to be demolished, Sr. Francis Xavier who was then Provincial Superior of the English speaking Caribbean was determined that a section, at least, of this original building rich in history should be preserved. The wing abutting Abercromby Street was demolished as was the wooden top floor of the main building but the ground floor was preserved. Instead of a traditional roof she had the builders cover this with a flat concrete roof. Her intention was that a top floor would at a later date, be erected. Other building projects and major renovations in the Province took precedence and the flat concrete roof remained a reminder of the original intent. More than thirty years have passed. Finally in 2011, as we celebrate the 175 Jubilee of the Province, Sr. Francis Xavier's intention has been realized and the building completed. This is aptly called Sr. Francis Xavier Heritage Hall.
Sr. Francis Xavier Hall was blessed and officially opened after the Mass, by His Grace Archbishop Edward Gilbert
Sr. Francis Xavier's sister, Mrs. Marjorie Collier cut the ribbon.
The Fun and Family Day - February 13 2011
What a Day! Glorious Sunshine, Wonderful Comraderie! Our Cluny Schools shined their best!
The Day began with a March Past, followed by a Cultural Dance Presentation. Each participating school represented one of the countries in which the Cluny Sisters work. Then the games began - everyone had so much FUN!
The Education Symposium - March 26 - 27 2011
The Principals, Vice Principals and leaders of the various Cluny Schools gathered at the Cascadia Hotel on March 26 for a two day symposium. The Theme - VISIONARY LEADERSHIP IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY CARIBBEAN. The meeting of minds, the sharing on Catholic Education and how it is concretised in a Cluny School, the Challenges of Modern teaching and learning were topics enthusiastically discussed. At the end of the weekend, everyone went back to their schools refreshed and energised to continue the great mission of the Cluny School.
175 Anniversary Jungle with video
click play button on player to start the jingle.