Join Us - Become an Associate of St. Joseph of Cluny




○   Attracted by the Spirituality of Anne Marie Javouhey?

○   Already committed to a state in life but

  • ○   wish to live the Gospel in a deeper way?


YOU can become an Associate of St. Joseph of Cluny.

Associates (women and men) gather with a Sister who shares with them the life and spirituality of Anne Marie Javouhey.  Together they discover and deepen the gift of Anne Marie's charism in their lives.

After a period of formation, associates may make a formal commitment to deepen their faith, give faithful witness to the Gospel in their daily life and live in the spirit of Anne Marie Javouhey.

Persons who wish to live according to the spirit of Anne Marie Javouhey without making any commitment can join an Associates group and attend meetings regularly.

Everyone is welcomed no matter what type of commitment they wish to make.


The Charism/Spirituality of Anne Marie Javouhey:

"To do the Will of God surely that is everything" she said.

○   "It was in the search for and in the accomplishment of this Will that she was united to Christ in everything".

○   Through faith she discovered the Divine Will in the signs of the times and the contemporary needs of others, responding

 to them with boundless generosity.  She was at the service of all: children to be deucated, neglected sick to be cared for,

 slaves to be liberated, far distant peoples to be evangelised.

○   Open to contemporary thought ..., she attacked evil at its root.  Respectful of human dignity

she had confidence in everyone.

○   She did not act alone, she collaborated fraternally with all those God placed in her path.

○   Everywhere she animated  communities where Gospel values were lived in preparation for the Kingdom of God.

○   The Holy Spirit dwelt in her, enlightened her in contemplation, inspired her every action and made her mission fruitful.

Anne Marie Javouhey

Woman of delicate intuition

of inexhaustible goodness of heart,

of generous forgiveness,

Woman of discernment,

of courage and daring,

of creative genius,

of enthusiasm,

Heart of Christ in the emptiness of this world.







The Formation of Associates involves:

○   getting to know Anne Marie Javouhey

○   putting into practice her spirituality and charism

○   getting to know the Congregation

This Formation will help to deepen the Word of God and the Faith in each one's prayer life.  The group will also provide support to each one in her/his living out the Gospel in daily life.


For more information, write to:  

The Directress

Associates Programme

St. Joseph's Convent

Port of Spain

Trinidad, West Indies